Indoor Jabon

Privacy Screens in the home and how it can benefit you!

When customers start renovations on their homes, the first thought in their minds will be how happy and comfortable they’ll feel after the improvements have been completed, as our environment that we surround ourselves in has a great effect in our mental wellbeing. We think we’ve found the piece to everyone’s puzzle… Timber. Our privacy screening could be the answer to a longer happier home life!

Having elements of timber incorporated inside your home is know as ‘Biophilic Designing’ which means a humans innate tendency to seek connections with nature and other forms of line, defined by US Biologiest, E.O Wilson. Privacy screening using Merbau or Spotted Gum timber are great options as the privacy screens use darker timber panels.  The specific health benefits proven to be improved by the presence of timber or privacy screens are things like stress relief, as exposure to timber helps humans to relax and reduce pain perception when surrounded by natural elements such as timber.

Here at Timber Screens Melbourne we have a large range of indoor screening and privacy screening available, including our 42 x 19 Jabon Privacy Screening, a light and bright timber that’s great for all indoor installation.

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